The Community Church of East Gloucester is a Christ-centered, Bible-believing church located in Gloucester, Massachusetts committed to making disciples for the glory of Christ and the good of the city. Contemporary worship and expository biblical preaching characterize our Sunday morning worship services, and Small Groups take place all over the North Shore as believers meet together to study, pray, worship, and live missionally as we challenge each other to integrate faith with real life. Our church family is comprised of local Gloucester residents, believers from across Cape Ann and the North Shore, and a healthy representation from the seminary and colleges in the area. Our worship services may be casual, but we take very seriously our calling to live our lives as disciples of Jesus Christ.
our preaching teamS
Tim has been the Lead Pastor at Community Church since 2005. That first year, Tim conducted an experiment -- born more out of necessity than curiosity. He developed a collaborative Preaching Team to help him grow as a preacher. Made up of young and old, men and women, seminary-trained and local Gloucester residents alike, this team would meet every week to study the biblical text together, to discuss the shape and outline of upcoming sermons, and to evaluate sermons each week after they were preached. The experiment worked. At Community Church, there has been a Preaching Team assembled for each major teaching series every year since then.
This research
This research project is an outworking of this preaching ministry at Community Church. While the church indeed has developed an effective collaborative framework, we are aware that there are other ways of collaborating when it comes to preaching. It is our hope that this research will help discover new ideas about collaboration, and provide a healthy diversity of ideas that will refine our own practice -- while at the same time providing a framework for onboarding churches that might be interested in starting a collaborative preaching team of their own.
If you're ever in the neighborhood, join us for worship on Sunday morning and introduce yourself after the service!
Every week or so, Tim updates his blog with the latest about his research or with an article about preaching or collaboration.
Click through to find out how to get in touch with Tim to find out more about the research, or to chat about collaboration.
Aerial photography of Gloucester provided by Martin Devecchio.