The Research project
The surveys and interviews conducted for this research are part of a larger research project that aims to describe the prevalence of collaborative preaching ministries, to explore the strengths and challenges of collaborative approaches to preaching, and to identify how this kind of collaboration can contribute to the continuing growth and development of preachers in a local church context. The ultimate goal of the research is to develop an evidence-based model for collaborative homiletics that can be applied to the preaching ministry in the local church.
The research is being conducted as part of the M.Phil. / Ph.D. program at London School of Theology / Middlesex University and through the A. J. Gordon Guild doctoral scholars program at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. The project will be written up and defended as a doctoral dissertation towards the Ph. D. degree.
London School of Theology: LST is the largest interdenominational evangelical theological college in Europe. Founded in the midst of World War II, the last 70 years has seen the school grow into a place known throughout the world for bringing together intellectual thoroughness and rigour with the personal and spiritual growth of its students. Discover more...
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary: GCTS began as the Gordon Divinity School and the Conwell School of Theology, which joined in 1969 under the leadership of Dr. Billy Graham, Dr. Harold J. Ockenga, and Howard Pew. The school has become a strong interdenominational theological presence in the Northeast of the United States, emphasizing a commitment to the Bible as God's authoritative Word, educating men and women for "all facets of gospel outreach." Discover more...
Born and raised in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Tim came to faith in Jesus Christ through his family, his church, and through the ministry of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and InterVarsity's Pioneer Camp Ontario. He married Joanna in 1999, and together they have four children. They live in Gloucester, Massachusetts where Tim is the Lead Pastor of Community Church of East Gloucester, and Joanna is a Registered Nurse working at Boston Medical Center and Beverly Hospital.
Tim received his B.Sc.H. in biology and geography from Queen's University, in Kingston, Ontario, Canada and also received his B.Ed. in Outdoor and Experiential Education from the same school as part of their concurrent education program. Tim taught high school science for a couple of years in Ottawa, Canada, before coming to the Boston area to attend Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. In 2005, while still at seminary, Tim accepted the call to become the lead pastor at Community Church of East Gloucester, where he continues to serve today. Tim received his M.Div. from Gordon-Conwell in 2009, and began work on his Ph.D. in 2016 through the A.J. Gordon Guild doctoral scholars program, under the supervision of Dr. Scott M. Gibson.
Find out more about Community Church of East Gloucester, where Tim serves as Lead Pastor.
read the blog
Tim periodically updates his research blog with the status of his research or interesting articles about preaching.